Guide and tips from League of Legends


The League of Legends guide that we present today will become the perfect tool for all those who want to start playing the Riot Games MOBA or who have just started and are still a little lost along the lines of the Summoner's Rift. To learn how to move within the game you already have the game's own tutorials, we will try to skip that part and introduce one more step into the universe of League of Legends.

A game that could be considered easy to play but difficult to master in which the amount of characters and initial information that must be internalized to start playing decently and not call you 'noob' in each game may cause more than one to throw the towel and completely forget League of Legends. What we will try with this guide is that you have things a little easier when you start your journey in the MOBA.

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You have to be clear that our main objective must always be to get ahead in gold and experience our enemy. These two elements will be achieved more quickly if we are able to kill minions or subjects, enemy heroes or enemy creatures on the League of Legends map, in addition to destroying towers.

If we get it we will always be more powerful and we will have better objects than him. Of course, knowing how to handle a specific character will give us more chances to win a face to face, but that should be a secondary aspect when starting to play.

This has to do a bit with the first point of playing a few more games apart from the first and I completely ignore if there is any kind of statistics or study about it but I am convinced that a large majority of new players leave because they only play with the first character they try.

League of Legends currently has 119 champions to choose from, something that virtually guarantees that there is a champion suitable for any player . To get a better idea of their style of play, they are divided into several categories: Assassin, Shooter, Fighter, Wizard, Support and Tank. You can choose those of a particular category according to your preferences, although the ideal, over time, is to dominate the majority.

We will not teach you to use each of the more than 120 characters in the game, all in due time, but here you will find the basic concepts of League of Legends, the different roles we can choose in each game or the most useful strategies so you can Start your career in the MOBA in a dignified way.